This is a bit of a wrap-up post after our very successful holiday in Cairns and Port Douglas.
I went with my four kids, Teen17, Teen 14 (at the time) and my boy/girl twins who are 8.
No husband/dad… just the five of us. Quite a challenge, but Cairns and Port Douglas rose to the task admirably.
If you’re thinking of a holiday to Cairns or Port Douglas start with..
Tips for Planning Family Holiday to Cairns and Port Douglas (has a good list of things to do)
Family Packing List for Cairns, Port Douglas and Other Hot Places
And here are detailed posts on what we enjoyed
Coral Reef Dreaming – Overnight Yacht Trip to the Great Barrier Reef
River Tubing On The Mulgrave River With The Kids
Why We Are Loving The Novotel Cairns Oasis Resort
Muddy’s Playground On The Esplanade In Cairns
Miracle on the Great Barrier Reef – Kids Take Photos of Mum For Once!
I’ll add more as I write them up.
It really was a fab trip.
Have you visited far North Queensland?
If not, is it on your family holiday bucket list?
Happy travel planning
The post Things To Do In Cairns + Port Douglas With The Family appeared first on Hello Sydney Kids.